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Waterline Featured for Regional District of Nanaimo Work in EGBC Magazine "Innovation"

Waterline Resources was recently featured in the Engineers and Geoscientists BC publication "Innovation" for our work with the Regional District of Nanaimo on their innovative drinking water and watershed protection program.

"The Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) spans an area over 2,000 square kilometers on the east coast of Vancouver Island from Deep Bay in the north to Yellow Point in the south. The watersheds in the region are defined by short distances from mountain top to sea, with active forestry in the upper watersheds, productive agricultural lands in the middel watersheds, and growing urban and rural communities in the lower watersheds. The land base is marked by some larger rivers and many smaller fish-bearing creeks.

Drinking water for the region's communities comes from a number of complex groundwater sources and a few surface water sources. Like other locations in the province, the region is experiencing change: population growth as more residents are attracted to the area; climate change that manifests as longer, drier summers and more frequent short-term duration intense rainstorms; and an evolving regulatory landscape that opens up possibilities for local water management.

What sets RDN apart is that in the face of unknowns and changes that can affect water resources, they are at the helm, actively steering to a sustainable, well-informed future. Their long-term innovative regional program to protect water resources recognizes watersheds as the best management unit and enables collaborative initiatives including community participation in water monitoring and water conservation."

See the full article here (Starting on Page 29): Innovation Magazine January/February 2018 Edition

Pisani, J., 2018. Charting a New Course to a Sustainable Water Future, Collaboration underscores the Regional District of Nanaimo's Innovative Drinking Water and Watershed Protection Program. Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia, Innovation.

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