Waterline offers downhole camera services for a range of projects using the industry leading Well Vu camera. The camera can be used in open boreholes or monitoring wells with diameters as small as 2-inches, and depths up to 150 m.
Field Data Collection
Waterline’s downhole camera is durable, convenient and very simple to operate. Field personnel can quickly setup and run the camera down hole whenever it is needed. This allows for quick and informed decisions to be made in the field. The camera operates off a 12 volt battery enabling it to be used in remote locations with no access to power.
Waterline’s downhole camera can be used for a variety of field applications including:
Fishing out equipment lost down hole;
Determining well construction details in wells that do not have available records;
Observing mineral scale deposits, compromised well screens, and bioaccumulation as part of well performance assessments;
Fracture mapping for contaminant investigations;
Geological logging based on colour changes; and
UV light allows for observation of hydrocarbons.
Waterline’s downhole camera equipment includes:
Colour fish-eye camera lens to observe sidewall and down-hole conditions
Camera diameter can fit into 2-inch monitoring wells
LED adjustable lights
UV lights to observe hydrocarbons
150 m of cable on reel with depth counter
LCD Display and Digital Video Recorder (DVR)
Live LCD video that records time, depth, well and project name
Depth can be measured in metres or feet
Video recorded on SD card—easy to immediately transfer to laptops and share from the field