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New Alberta SAGD Regulations for Groundwater

On June 1, 2018, the Alberta Government released a directive entitled the Assessment of Thermally-Mobilized Constituents in Groundwater for Thermal In Situ Operations, such as arsenic. The Directive was developed to identify and address potential adverse impacts to groundwater, and nearby receptors, as may be related to in-situ thermal operations (e.g., SAGD). The Directive requires site-specific baseline groundwater monitoring and characterization in aquifers near applicable well pads. Future monitoring is also required at down-gradient locations.

Specific time-frames to initiate and complete ongoing groundwater monitoring and reporting are also specified. For existing (approved) projects, a Groundwater Monitoring Thermal Report must be submitted to the Director by March 31, 2020. New project applicants must factor the requirements of the Directive into their project application information.

Please contact Waterline if you have any questions regarding how to ensure compliance with the Directive for your new or existing In Situ project.

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