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  • Watershed Scale Aquifer Mapping and Groundwater Management

    Introduction Groundwater resource management is critical to protecting drinking water resources. Through understanding groundwater on a regional scale (e.g., watershed or sub-watershed scale), informed decisions can be made about the management of groundwater resources and facilitate answering questions such as: Where are the major aquifers in the region? Where are the aquifer boundaries and what are its hydrogeologic properties? How do we make sure that groundwater use is sustainable and what is the long-term sustainable yield of aquifers? Where does groundwater come from and where does it go? How do groundwater and surface water interact? How vulnerable to contamination are aquifers in the region and how do we protect groundwater from potential contamination? How do we ensure that groundwater resources are protected for future generations? Our Approach Waterline approaches these questions by gaining an understanding of the hydrogeological system through extensive background data review, field verification, and data evaluation using state-of-the-art data processing and management tools. As a first step, a comprehensive background review is conducted to develop a conceptual hydrogeologic model and to identify data gaps. To supplement available regional interpretations and address data gaps, Waterline designs customized field programs to acquire the requisite information in a cost-sensitive manner. Field investigations often include but are not limited to: Field verification survey of selected existing wells; Preparing and inventory of springs; Aquifer testing and water sampling of existing wells; Conducting geophysical (electromagnetic and seismic) surveys; and Drilling and installing new observation wells. Waterline uses an in-house database and mapping applications to compile and organize complex regional data sets from a variety of sources. This database application is integrated with GIS (e.g., ArcHydro Groundwater and Leapfrog Hydro) and other hydrogeological software to prepare and present findings in a clear manner to both clients and the public. Groundwater Vulnerability Groundwater vulnerability mapping helps decision makers in planning and policy development. Vulnerability of groundwater to extraction and contamination can be accomplished by identifying the key recharge areas across the watershed. On a local scale, water wells can be protected by establishing wellhead protection zones. Groundwater Management Plans and Public Awareness Waterline creates groundwater management plans in a way that not only protects these resources in the short term but also helps to devise strategies to ensure the long-term sustainability of groundwater resources. Public awareness is essential for effectively managing groundwater resources. Waterline assists clients during public meetings and information sessions to educate the public on key groundwater management issues.

  • Featured Service: Downhole Camera Surveys

    Waterline offers downhole camera services for a range of projects using the industry leading Well Vu camera. The camera can be used in open boreholes or monitoring wells with diameters as small as 2-inches, and depths up to 150 m. Field Data Collection Waterline’s downhole camera is durable, convenient and very simple to operate. Field personnel can quickly setup and run the camera down hole whenever it is needed. This allows for quick and informed decisions to be made in the field. The camera operates off a 12 volt battery enabling it to be used in remote locations with no access to power. Applications Waterline’s downhole camera can be used for a variety of field applications including: Fishing out equipment lost down hole; Determining well construction details in wells that do not have available records; Observing mineral scale deposits, compromised well screens, and bioaccumulation as part of well performance assessments; Fracture mapping for contaminant investigations; Geological logging based on colour changes; and UV light allows for observation of hydrocarbons. Waterline’s downhole camera equipment includes: Camera Colour fish-eye camera lens to observe sidewall and down-hole conditions Camera diameter can fit into 2-inch monitoring wells LED adjustable lights UV lights to observe hydrocarbons 150 m of cable on reel with depth counter LCD Display and Digital Video Recorder (DVR) Live LCD video that records time, depth, well and project name Depth can be measured in metres or feet Video recorded on SD card—easy to immediately transfer to laptops and share from the field Call Waterline now for our downhole camera services #hydrogeology #downholecamera #downholegeophysics #monitoringwell #borehole #waterwell

  • WaterTech 2017

    Waterline is attending and presenting at WaterTech 2017. Presentations include Advanced Methods of Aquifer Analysis with Brent Morin and Blake Hiebert and Diagnosing and Minimizing the Effects of Water Well Partial Penetration with Joel Defoe and Steve Sturrock. #watertech #groundwater #aquifer

  • Featured Service: Resolving Water Well Problems and Complaint Investigations

    In particular situations, water well(s) will encounter problems near industrial activity. Waterline Resources collects relevant background information and data from the water well(s) to resolve the cause of the problems. Groundwater wells are often completed in very harsh environments that may be corrosive to well casings, screens, pumps, and piping. Naturally elevated iron and sulphate in groundwater is common to certain shallow aquifers and can affect the performance of supply wells. Sulphate-reducing or iron-oxidizing bacteria can promote well-screen fouling if left untreated. Environmental agencies recommend regular-scheduled well maintenance such as shock-chlorination or more aggressive acid treatments if calcium encrustation is present. Water wells constructed with steel casing typically exhibit a shorter life than wells completed with PVC casing. Waterline is a proponent of public education and has knowledgeable field staff and the necessary water sampling and testing equipment (e.g., downhole camera) to understand issues relating to water well operation and failures.

  • Waterline Featured in "Groundwater Canada" for its Regional Groundwater Management

    Waterline's regional hydrogeology work with the Town of Gibsons has recently been featured in Groundwater Canada. This article describes how Waterline has helped the town protect its groundwater resources for future generations by assisting the town with regional aquifer mapping and subsequent management. “As with any asset, in order to manage it, you need to know what you’ve got. That mapping study certainly did that for us. It identified our vulnerabilities. Without one, you’d be flying a little bit blind,” Newman says. “I’m not saying you couldn’t do it, but it would be challenging.” #gibsons #groundwater #hydrogeology #aquifer

  • New Soil Sampling Methods for Hydrocarbons in Alberta are in Effect

    It's a new month and a new way to sample hydrocarbons in Alberta. Starting in March 2017, Alberta will be transitioning to the CCME method for collecting hydrocarbon samples in soil using coring and methanol preservation. #soilsampling #soiltesting

  • Featured Service: Groundwater Management for Shale Gas and Tight Oil

    The development of shale gas and tight oil reserves in Alberta and BC requires significant volumes of water for various operations including: camp supplies, drilling, and hydraulic fracturing operations. Fracturing operations undoubtedly represent the single largest water requirement for all companies operating in the shale gas and tight oil areas of central and northwestern Alberta and northeastern British Columbia. For example, a typical fracturing operation for tight oil formations in the Montney or Duvernay basins could require water volumes of up to 11,000 cubic metres for a 30 stage fracturing operation. Water volume requirements for shale gas development can range from 4,000 cubic metres per frac and approximately 60,000 cubic metres of water per well over several days of operation. Waterline continues to assist clients with meeting their water quantity requirements before and during project development by conducting regional groundwater resource studies and water well installation and testing. To understand groundwater conditions before and during development, Waterline has also developed regional groundwater monitoring networks. Waterline assists clients with meet legislative requirements and due diligence needs by creating high quality, customized programs in a timely and cost-effective manner. Waterline has expertise in the following types of projects for shale gas and tight oil developments: Two and three dimensional modelling; Regional water supply or injection investigations; Regional groundwater monitoring; Groundwater component of Environmental Assessments (EAs) in BC; Groundwater component of Environmental impact assessments (EIAs) in Alberta; and Water Act applications for the use of non-saline groundwater in Alberta. #waterline #groundwater #hydrogeologist #waterwell #duvernayshale #fracwater

  • Waterline is Hiring!

    Waterline is looking to hire a senior hydrogeologist or environmental engineer in BC. Go to to learn more.

  • BC Water Sustainability Act Update

    The new British Columbia Water Sustainability Act was introduced to the public on February 26, 2016. The new regulations were put in place to help conserve our fresh, clean water for current and future BC residents. Under the new rules of the act, all non-domestic groundwater wells must be licenced. The Groundwater Licence Application includes a series of questions related to the water works infrastructure and the hydrogeological setting (aquifer description, well details, estimated yield, etc.), and is submitted to the BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (FLNRO). If you submit an application before the December 31st, 2017 deadline, then the application fee from FLNRO is waived. Waterline completes Water Sustainability Act applications for less than the cost of application fee after this deadline. If you are interested in having a professional hydrogeologist create and submit an application package to the BC Ministry of FLNRO on your behalf, please contact Waterline's Water Sustainability Coordinator, Maheen Scott, at 250-585-0802. #groundwater #watersustainabilityact #welllicence #license #waterwell

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